
/ home / Documentation / v3 / mediasoup / RTC Statistics

RTC Statistics

All mediasoup RTC classes include a getStats() method with the following signature:


@returns Array<Object>

Below a list of statistics as generated by the different RTC classes in mediasoup.

WebRtcTransport Statistics

const stats = await webRtcTransport.getStats();

// =>
    "availableOutgoingBitrate": 6750000,
    "bytesReceived": 5360091,
    "bytesSent": 20988,
    "dtlsState": "connected",
    "iceRole": "controlled",
    "iceSelectedTuple": {
      "localAddress": "",
      "localPort": 56726,
      "protocol": "udp",
      "remoteIp": "",
      "remotePort": 52320
    "iceState": "completed",
    "maxIncomingBitrate": 5500000,
    "probationBytesSent": 0,
    "probationSendBitrate": 0,
    "recvBitrate": 1802072,
    "rtpBytesReceived": 5104571,
    "rtpBytesSent": 0,
    "rtpPacketLossSent": 0,
    "rtpRecvBitrate": 1835651,
    "rtpSendBitrate": 0,
    "rtxBytesReceived": 179934,
    "rtxBytesSent": 0,
    "rtxRecvBitrate": 0,
    "rtxSendBitrate": 0,
    "sctpState": "connected",
    "sendBitrate": 4992,
    "timestamp": 18079607138,
    "transportId": "a00746bd-0758-4dfc-9f5f-c0ad4eb326d5",
    "type": "webrtc-transport"

PlainTransport Statistics

const stats = await plainTransport.getStats();

// =>
    "bytesReceived": 467406,
    "bytesSent": 2550,
    "comedia": true,
    "rtcpMux": true,
    "probationBytesSent": 0,
    "probationSendBitrate": 0,
    "recvBitrate": 1802072,
    "rtpBytesReceived": 5104571,
    "rtpBytesSent": 0,
    "rtpRecvBitrate": 1835651,
    "rtpSendBitrate": 0,
    "rtxBytesReceived": 0,
    "rtxBytesSent": 0,
    "rtxRecvBitrate": 0,
    "rtxSendBitrate": 0,
    "sendBitrate": 24,
    "timestamp": 924308648,
    "transportId": "8e7dc219-5cb0-4cca-b1ca-0bbbc584a364",
      "localAddress": "",
      "localPort": 45346,
      "protocol": "udp",
      "remoteIp": "",
      "remotePort": 56971
    "type": "plain-rtp-transport"

PipeTransport Statistics

const stats = await pipeTransport.getStats();

// =>
    "probationBytesSent": 0,
    "probationSendBitrate": 0,
    "recvBitrate": 1802072,
    "rtpBytesReceived": 5104571,
    "rtpBytesSent": 0,
    "rtpRecvBitrate": 1835651,
    "rtpSendBitrate": 0,
    "rtxBytesReceived": 0,
    "rtxBytesSent": 0,
    "rtxRecvBitrate": 0,
    "rtxSendBitrate": 0,
    "sendBitrate": 24,
    "timestamp": 924308980,
    "transportId": "352f60cd-10ac-443b-8529-6474ecba2e46",
      "localAddress": "",
      "localPort": 12455,
      "protocol": "udp",
      "remoteIp": "",
      "remotePort": 42301
    "type": "pipe-transport"

DirectTransport Statistics

const stats = await directTransport.getStats();

// =>
    "probationBytesSent": 0,
    "probationSendBitrate": 0,
    "recvBitrate": 5672,
    "rtpBytesReceived": 0,
    "rtpBytesSent": 0,
    "rtpRecvBitrate": 0,
    "rtpSendBitrate": 0,
    "rtxBytesReceived": 0,
    "rtxBytesSent": 0,
    "rtxRecvBitrate": 0,
    "rtxSendBitrate": 0,
    "sendBitrate": 3204,
    "timestamp": 894308981,
    "transportId": "huif60cd-10ac-443b-8529-6474ecba2123",
    "type": "direct-transport"

Producer Statistics

The producer's statistics contain an entry for each RTP stream being received. Note that the producer's statistics show the RTP streams received by mediasoup as they are sent by the producer endpoint, this is, without any packet modification.

Simulcast Producer

If simulcast is used, there will be as many entries in the producer's statistics as discovered RTP streams. Those streams may have N temporal layers.

const stats = await producer.getStats();

// =>
    "bitrate": 678400,
      "0.0": 237992,
      "0.1": 145496,
      "0.2": 294912
    "byteCount": 4265668,
    "firCount": 0,
    "fractionLost": 0,
    "jitter": 0,
    "kind": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/VP8",
    "nackCount": 0,
    "nackPacketCount": 0,
    "packetCount": 4150,
    "packetsDiscarded": 0,
    "packetsLost": 0,
    "packetsRepaired": 0,
    "packetsRetransmitted": 95,
    "pliCount": 5,
    "rid": "r2",
    "roundTripTime": 43.55,
    "rtxPacketsDiscarded": 0,
    "rtxSsrc": 2830213299,
    "score": 10,
    "ssrc": 689337360,
    "timestamp": 925298114,
    "type": "inbound-rtp"
    "bitrate": 242784,
      "0.0": 85608,
      "0.1": 52752,
      "0.2": 104424
    "byteCount": 1677745,
    "firCount": 0,
    "fractionLost": 0,
    "jitter": 0,
    "kind": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/VP8",
    "nackCount": 5,
    "nackPacketCount": 31,
    "packetCount": 2045,
    "packetsDiscarded": 0,
    "packetsLost": 4294967281,
    "packetsRepaired": 15,
    "packetsRetransmitted": 563,
    "pliCount": 3,
    "rid": "r1",
    "roundTripTime": 48.1,
    "rtxPacketsDiscarded": 0,
    "rtxSsrc": 2486781276,
    "score": 10,
    "ssrc": 2995277190,
    "timestamp": 925298114,
    "type": "inbound-rtp"
    "bitrate": 86768,
      "0.0": 29648,
      "0.1": 19344,
      "0.2": 37776
    "byteCount": 581258,
    "firCount": 0,
    "fractionLost": 0,
    "jitter": 2,
    "kind": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/VP8",
    "nackCount": 0,
    "nackPacketCount": 0,
    "packetCount": 1362,
    "packetsDiscarded": 0,
    "packetsLost": 0,
    "packetsRepaired": 0,
    "packetsRetransmitted": 10,
    "pliCount": 1,
    "rid": "r0",
    "roundTripTime": 49.77,
    "rtxPacketsDiscarded": 0,
    "rtxSsrc": 2118917939,
    "score": 10,
    "ssrc": 3060700812,
    "timestamp": 925298114,
    "type": "inbound-rtp"
SVC Producer

In SVC there will be a single stream in the producer's statistics with N spatial layers and temporal layers.

    "bitrate": 680020,
    "bitrateByLayer": {
      "0.0": 38957,
      "0.1": 48842,
      "0.2": 72589,
      "1.0": 135837,
      "1.1": 175149,
      "1.2": 260762,
      "2.0": 323139,
      "2.1": 461565,
      "2.2": 680020
    "byteCount": 337978,
    "firCount": 0,
    "fractionLost": 0,
    "jitter": 4,
    "kind": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/VP9",
    "nackCount": 0,
    "nackPacketCount": 0,
    "packetCount": 347,
    "packetsDiscarded": 0,
    "packetsLost": 0,
    "packetsRepaired": 0,
    "packetsRetransmitted": 149,
    "pliCount": 0,
    "roundTripTime": 34.57,
    "rtxPacketsDiscarded": 0,
    "rtxSsrc": 4171189299,
    "score": 10,
    "ssrc": 518176773,
    "timestamp": 1205013977,
    "type": "inbound-rtp"

Consumer Statistics

The consumer's statistics include two entries: the statistics of the RTP stream in the consumer (type: "outbound-rtp") and the statistics of the associated RTP stream in the producer (type: "inbound-rtp").

const stats = await consumer.getStats();

// =>
    "bitrate": 625312,
    "byteCount": 879947,
    "firCount": 0,
    "fractionLost": 0,
    "kind": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/VP8",
    "nackCount": 0,
    "nackPacketCount": 0,
    "packetCount": 979,
    "packetsDiscarded": 0,
    "packetsLost": 0,
    "packetsRepaired": 0,
    "packetsRetransmitted": 0,
    "pliCount": 0,
    "roundTripTime": 33.02,
    "rtxSsrc": 836324070,
    "score": 10,
    "ssrc": 328066115,
    "timestamp": 925531753,
    "type": "outbound-rtp"
    "bitrate": 627872,
      "0.0": 238856,
      "0.1": 145872,
      "0.2": 243144
    "byteCount": 883855,
    "firCount": 0,
    "fractionLost": 0,
    "jitter": 2,
    "kind": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/VP8",
    "nackCount": 0,
    "nackPacketCount": 0,
    "packetCount": 979,
    "packetsDiscarded": 0,
    "packetsLost": 0,
    "packetsRepaired": 0,
    "packetsRetransmitted": 167,
    "pliCount": 2,
    "rtxSsrc": 1976184061,
    "score": 10,
    "ssrc": 2440984788,
    "timestamp": 925531753,
    "type": "inbound-rtp"

There is, however, an exception when the consumer has been created on a PipeTransport. In this case the consumer forwards all producer's RTP streams to its destination. The statistics of this consumer include an entry for each RTP stream being forwarded (type: "outbound-rtp") and does not include entries for the associated RTP streams in the producer (type: "inbound-rtp").

const stats = await pipeConsumer.getStats();

// =>
    "bitrate": 868184,
    "byteCount": 19478693,
    "firCount": 0,
    "fractionLost": 0,
    "kind": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/VP8",
    "nackCount": 0,
    "nackPacketCount": 0,
    "packetCount": 18696,
    "packetsDiscarded": 0,
    "packetsLost": 0,
    "packetsRepaired": 0,
    "packetsRetransmitted": 0,
    "pliCount": 0,
    "roundTripTime": 5.15,
    "score": 10,
    "ssrc": 116684231,
    "timestamp": 514442975,
    "type": "outbound-rtp"
    "bitrate": 350000,
    "byteCount": 8393425,
    "firCount": 0,
    "fractionLost": 0,
    "kind": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/VP8",
    "nackCount": 0,
    "nackPacketCount": 0,
    "packetCount": 9417,
    "packetsDiscarded": 0,
    "packetsLost": 0,
    "packetsRepaired": 0,
    "packetsRetransmitted": 0,
    "pliCount": 0,
    "roundTripTime": 4.43,
    "score": 10,
    "ssrc": 116684230,
    "timestamp": 514442975,
    "type": "outbound-rtp"
    "bitrate": 153456,
    "byteCount": 3442897,
    "firCount": 0,
    "fractionLost": 0,
    "kind": "video",
    "mimeType": "video/VP8",
    "nackCount": 0,
    "nackPacketCount": 0,
    "packetCount": 5393,
    "packetsDiscarded": 0,
    "packetsLost": 0,
    "packetsRepaired": 0,
    "packetsRetransmitted": 0,
    "pliCount": 0,
    "roundTripTime": 5.6,
    "score": 10,
    "ssrc": 116684229,
    "timestamp": 514442975,
    "type": "outbound-rtp"

DataProducer Statistics

const stats = await dataProducer.getStats();

// =>
    "type": "data-producer",
    "label": "nnawjiwbav",
    "protocol": "app-protocol",
    "messagesReceived": 3496,
    "bytesReceived": 65934

DataConsumer Statistics

const stats = await dataConsumer.getStats();

// =>
    "type": "data-consumer",
    "label": "nnawjiwbav",
    "protocol": "app-protocol",
    "messagesSent": 3496,
    "bytesSent": 65934