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mediasoup-client v3 Installation

Install mediasoup-client within you client application:

$ npm install mediasoup-client@3


mediasoup-client is written in TypeScript and transpiled to JavaScript plus CommonJS. This is: it uses require() internally.

This makes it work in the browser by properly using browserify, webpack or similar tools, and also in Node.js (which does not yet implement import/export) . It's up to the application developer to decide how to integrate mediasoup-client into his client side application.

mediasoup-client does not provide any bundled, minified and/or ES5 transpiled single file. There are tools out there to do that if your application needs it.

Depending on how your web application loads libraries (for example, by using a JavaScript module loader) your may need to use one of the following ways to load mediasoup-client:

import * as mediasoupClient from "mediasoup-client";
const mediasoupClient = require("mediasoup-client");