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mediasoup-client v3 API


The top-level exported module.

// Using ES6 import.
import * as mediasoupClient from "mediasoup-client";

// Or using destructuring assignment:
import {
} from "mediasoup-client";

// Using CommonJS.
const mediasoupClient = require("mediasoup-client");

// Or using destructuring assignment:
const {
} = require("mediasoup-client");



An Object holding all classes and TypeScript types exported by mediasoup-client.

@type Object, read only

import { types as mediasoupTypes } from "mediasoup-client";

let producer: mediasoupTypes.Producer;
let rtpParameters: mediasoupTypes.RtpParameters;

// or alternatively:

import { Producer, RtpParameters } from "mediasoup-client/lib/types";

let producer: Producer;
let rtpParameters: RtpParameters;


The mediasoup-client version.

@type String, read only

// => "3.0.0"


Exposes the debug dependency used by mediasoup-client. Useful if you need to enable/disable debug namespaces programatically.



The main Device class.

@type Device, read only

const device = new mediasoupClient.Device();



Performs current browser/device detection and returns the corresponding mediasoup-client WebRTC handler name (or nothing if the browser/device is not supported).

Argument Type Description Required Default
userAgent String Optional browser User-Agen string. If not given, navigator.userAgent will be used (in case of browser). No  


@returns BuiltinHandlerName | undefined

const handlerName = mediasoupClient.detectDevice();

if (handlerName) {
  console.log("detected handler: %s", handlerName);
} else {
  console.warn("no suitable handler found for current browser/device");


Parses the given scalabilityMode string according to the rules in webrtc-svc.

Argument Type Description Required Default
scalabilityMode String Scalability mode. No  

@returns Object:

  • spatialLayers {@type Number} Number of spatial layers (by default 1).

  • temporalLayers {@type Number} Number of temporal layers (by default 1).

// => { spatialLayers: 2, temporalLayers: 3 }

// => { spatialLayers: 3, temporalLayers: 3 }

// => { spatialLayers: 4, temporalLayers: 7 }

// => { spatialLayers: 1, temporalLayers: 1 }


A device represents an endpoint that connects to a mediasoup Router to send and/or receive media.

  • This is the entry point for JavaScript client side applications (such as web applications).
  • If you are developing a React Native app, take a look to the React Native section.



Field Type Description Required Default
handlerName BuiltinHandlerName The name of one of the builtin handlers. No  
handlerFactory Function A function that returns an instance of a handler. Check the HandlerInterface parent class from which any valid handler must inherit. No  
  • Web applications do not need to provide any handlerName or handlerFactory arguments into the Device constructor. mediasoup-client detects the underlying browser and chooses a suitable WebRTC handler depending on the browser vendor and version.

  • If the web application wishes to force a specific built-in handler (for example, force Chrome67 built-in handler in Chrome >= 70 instead of having Chrome70 auto-detected) the application can do it as follows:

const device = new mediasoupClient.Device({ handlerName: "Chrome67" });


Field Type Description
numStreams NumSctpStreams Initially requested and supported SCTP streams.



Value Description
“Chrome74” Chrome/Chromium >= 74.
“Chrome70” Chrome/Chromium >= 70.
“Chrome67” Chrome/Chromium >= 67.
“Chrome55” Chrome/Chromium >= 55.
“Firefox120” Firefox >= 120.
“Firefox60” Firefox >= 60.
“Safari12” Safari >= 12.
“Safari11” Safari >= 11.
“Edge11” Edge >= 11 && <= 18 (higher versions use Chromium).
“ReactNativeUnifiedPlan” React-Native environment with react-native-webrtc >= 106.0.0 with Unified-Plan support.
“ReactNative” React-Native environment with react-native-webrtc previous versions with Plan-B support.


new Device(options)

Creates a new device.

Argument Type Description Required Default
options DeviceOptions Device options. No  

@throws UnsupportedError, if the current browser/device is not supported.

let device;

  device = new mediasoupClient.Device();
catch (error)
  if ( === 'UnsupportedError')
    console.warn('browser not supported');



The selected handler class name.

@returns String, read only

// => "Chrome74"


Whether the device has been loaded (see the load() method).

@returns Boolean


The device RTP capabilities, generated by combining both the underlying WebRTC capabilities and the router RTP capabilities (see the load() method).

@returns RtpCapabilities, read only

@throws InvalidStateError, if device not loaded

These RTP capabilities must be given to the mediasoup router in order to consume a remote stream. Check the Communication Between Client and Server section for more details.


The device SCTP capabilities.

@returns DeviceSctpCapabilities, read only

@throws InvalidStateError, if device not loaded

See the Observer Events section below.

@type EventEmitter, read only


device.load({ routerRtpCapabilities })

Loads the device with the RTP capabilities of the mediasoup router. This is how the device knows about the allowed media codecs and other settings.

Argument Type Description Required Default
routerRtpCapabilities RtpCapabilities The mediasoup router RTP capabilities. Yes  


@throws InvalidStateError, if device already loaded

@throws TypeError, if invalid arguments

await device.load({ routerRtpCapabilities });
// Now the device is ready.


Whether the device can produce media of the given kind. This depends on the media codecs enabled in the mediasoup router and the media capabilities of the browser/device.

Argument Type Description Required Default
kind String MediaKind Yes  

@returns Boolean

@throws InvalidStateError, if device not loaded

@throws TypeError, if invalid kind

if (device.canProduce("video"))
  // Do getUserMedia() and produce video.


Creates a new WebRTC transport to send media. The transport must be previously created in the mediasoup router via router.createWebRtcTransport().

Argument Type Description Required Default
options TransportOptions WebRTC transport options. Yes  

@returns Transport

@throws InvalidStateError, if device not loaded

@throws TypeError, if invalid arguments

mediasoup server side WebRTC transports have DTLS role “auto” by default. mediasoup-client selects “client” DTLS role by default for both sending and receiving transports. However local DTLS role can be forced by overriding remote dtlsParameters.role value with “client” to force the local DTLS role “server”.

const transport = device.createSendTransport(
    id             : "0b38d662-ea00-4c70-9ae3-b675d6a89e09",
    iceParameters  : { ... },
    iceCandidates  : [ ... ],
    dtlsParameters : { ... },
    sctpParameters : { ... }


Creates a new WebRTC transport to receive media. The transport must be previously created in the mediasoup router via router.createWebRtcTransport().

Argument Type Description Required Default
options TransportOptions WebRTC transport options. Yes  

@returns Transport

@throws InvalidStateError, if device not loaded

@throws TypeError, if invalid arguments

mediasoup server side WebRTC transports have DTLS role “auto” by default. mediasoup-client selects “client” DTLS role by default for both sending and receiving transports. However local DTLS role can be forced by overriding remote dtlsParameters.role value with “client” to force the local DTLS role “server”.

const transport = device.createRecvTransport(
    id             : "152f60cd-10ac-443b-8529-6474ecba2e44",
    iceParameters  : { ... },
    iceCandidates  : [ ... ],
    dtlsParameters : { ... },
    sctpParameters : { ... }

Observer Events

See the Observer API section below.“newtransport”, fn(transport))

Emitted when a new transport is created.

Argument Type Description
transport Transport New transport."newtransport", (transport) =>
  console.log("new transport created [id:%s]",;


A Transport instance in mediasoup-client represents the local side of a WebRtcTransport in mediasoup server. It connects a mediasoup-client Device with a mediasoup Router at media level and enables the sending of media (by means of Producer instances) or the receiving of media (by means of Consumer instances).

Internally, the transport holds a WebRTC RTCPeerConnection instance.



Field Type Description Required Default
id String The identifier of the server side transport. Yes  
iceParameters IceParameters ICE parameters of the server side transport. Yes  
iceCandidates Array<IceCandidate> ICE candidates of the server side transport. Yes  
dtlsParameters DtlsParameters DTLS parameters of the server side transport. Yes  
sctpParameters SctpParameters SCTP parameters of the server side transport. No  
iceServers Array<RTCIceServer> List of TURN servers. This setting is given to the local peerconnection. No [ ]
iceTransportPolicy RTCIceTransportPolicy ICE candidate policy for the local peerconnection. No “all”
additionalSettings Object Additional RTCConfiguration settings other than iceServers, iceTransportPolicy, bundlePolicy, rtcpMuxPolic and sdpSemantics. Use it to enable experimental settings.    
proprietaryConstraints Object Browser vendor's proprietary constraints used as second argument in the peerconnection constructor (deprecated in the WebRTC 1.0 API). No  
appData Object Custom application data. No { }


Argument Type Description
kind MediaKind Producer's media kind (“audio” or “video”).
rtpParameters RtpSendParameters Producer's RTP parameters.
appData Object Custom application data as given in the transport.produce() method.


Argument Type Description
sctpStreamParameters SctpStreamParameters Data producer's SCTP stream parameters.
label String DataChannel label.
protocol String DataChannel protocol.
appData Object Custom application data as given in the transport.produceData() method.


Transport identifier. It matches the id of the server side transport.

@type String, read only


Whether the transport is closed.

@type Boolean, read only


The direction of this transport. “send” means that this is a WebRTC transport for sending media. “recv” means that this is a WebRTC transport for receiving media.

@type String, read only


The current ICE gathering state of the local peerconnection.

@type RTCIceGatheringState, read only


The current connection state of the local peerconnection.

@type RTCPeerConnectionState, read only


Custom data Object provided by the application in the transport constructor. The app can modify its content at any time.

@type Object = "bar";

See the Observer Events section below.

@type EventEmitter, read only



Closes the transport, including all its producers and consumers.

This method should be called when the server side transport has been closed (and vice-versa).


Gets the local transport statistics by calling getStats() in the underlying RTCPeerConnection instance.


@returns RTCStatsReport

transport.restartIce({ iceParameters })

Instructs the underlying peerconnection to restart ICE by providing it with new remote ICE parameters.

Argument Type Description Required Default
iceParameters IceParameters New ICE parameters of the server side transport. Yes  


This method must be called after restarting ICE in server side via webRtcTransport.restartIce().

await transport.restartIce({ iceParameters: { ... } });

transport.updateIceServers({ iceServers })

Provides the underlying peerconnection with a new list of TURN servers.

Argument Type Description Required Default
iceServers Array<RTCIceServer> List of TURN servers to provide the local peerconnection with. No [ ]


This method is specially useful if the TURN server credentials have changed.

await transport.updateIceServers({ iceServers: [ ... ] });


Instructs the transport to send an audio or video track to the mediasoup router.

Argument Type Description Required Default
options ProducerOptions Producer options. Yes  


@returns Producer

// Send webcam video with 3 simulcast streams.
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });
const videoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];
const producer = await transport.produce(
    track       : videoTrack,
    encodings   :
      { maxBitrate: 100000 },
      { maxBitrate: 300000 },
      { maxBitrate: 900000 }
    codecOptions :
      videoGoogleStartBitrate : 1000

Before this method completes, the local transport will emit the “produce” event. The application must be subscribed to this event, signal those parameters to the server, and invoke transport.produce() on the corresponding WebRTC transport.

Check the Communication Between Client and Server section for more details.


Instructs the transport to receive an audio or video track from the mediasoup router.

Argument Type Description Required Default
options ConsumerOptions Consumer options. Yes  


@returns Consumer

// Let's assume we have created a video consumer in server side and signal its
// parameters to the client app.
mySignaling.on('newConsumer', async (data) =>
  const consumer = await transport.consume(
      id            :,
      producerId    : data.producerId,
      kind          : data.kind,
      rtpParameters : data.rtpParameters

  // Render the remote video track into a HTML video element.
  const { track } = consumer;

  videoElem.srcObject = new MediaStream([ track ]);

The consumer is created in server side first via transport.consume(). Then its parameters are signaled to the client application which creates a local replica of the consumer and manages it.

Check the Communication Between Client and Server section for more details.


Instructs the transport to send data via DataChannel to the mediasoup router.

Argument Type Description Required Default
options DataProducerOptions DataProducer options. No  


@returns DataProducer

const producer = await transport.produceData();

Before this method completes, the local transport will emit the “produceData” event. The application must be subscribed to this event, signal those parameters to the server, and invoke transport.produceData() on the corresponding WebRTC transport.

Check the Communication Between Client and Server section for more details.


Instructs the transport to receive data via DataChannel from the mediasoup router.

Argument Type Description Required Default
options DataConsumerOptions Data Consumer options. Yes  


@returns DataConsumer

// Let's assume we have created a data consumer in server side and signal its
// parameters to the client app.
mySignaling.on('newDataConsumer', async (data) =>
  const consumer = await transport.consumeData(
      id                   :,
      producerId           : data.producerId,
      sctpStreamParameters : data.sctpStreamParameters
      label                : data.label
      protocol             : data.protocol

The data consumer is created in server side first via transport.consumeData(). Then its parameters are signaled to the client application which creates a local replica of the data consumer and manages it.

Check the Communication Between Client and Server section for more details.


transport.on(“connect”, fn({ dtlsParameters }, callback(), errback(error))

Emitted when the transport is about to establish the ICE+DTLS connection and needs to exchange information with the associated server side transport.

Argument Type Description
dtlsParameters DtlsParameters Local DTLS parameters.
callback Function A function that must be called by the application once the parameters have been transmitted to the associated server side transport.
errback Function A function that must be called by the application (with the corresponding error) if the tranmission of parameters to the associated server side transport failed for any reason.

In server side, the application should call webRtcTransport.connect().

transport.on("connect", async ({ dtlsParameters }, callback, errback) =>
  // Signal local DTLS parameters to the server side transport.
    await mySignaling.send(
        transportId    :, 
        dtlsParameters : dtlsParameters

    // Tell the transport that parameters were transmitted.
  catch (error)
    // Tell the transport that something was wrong.

transport.on(“produce”, fn(parameters, callback({ id }), errback(error))

Emitted when the transport needs to transmit information about a new producer to the associated server side transport. This event occurs before the produce() method completes.

Argument Type Description
parameters TransportProduceParameters Parameters to create a server side producer.

In server side, the application should call transport.produce().

transport.on("produce", async (parameters, callback, errback) =>
  // Signal parameters to the server side transport and retrieve the id of 
  // the server side new producer.
    const data = await mySignaling.send(
        transportId   :, 
        kind          : parameters.kind,
        rtpParameters : parameters.rtpParameters,
        appData       : parameters.appData

    // Let's assume the server included the created producer id in the response
    // data object.
    const { id } = data;

    // Tell the transport that parameters were transmitted and provide it with the
    // server side producer's id.
    callback({ id });
  catch (error)
    // Tell the transport that something was wrong.

transport.on(“producedata”, fn(parameters, callback({ id }), errback(error))

Emitted when the transport needs to transmit information about a new data producer to the associated server side transport. This event occurs before the produceData() method completes.

Argument Type Description
parameters TransportProduceDataParameters Parameters to create a server side data producer.

In server side, the application should call transport.produceData().

transport.on("producedata", async (parameters, callback, errback) =>
  // Signal parameters to the server side transport and retrieve the id of 
  // the server side new producer.
    const data = await mySignaling.send(
        transportId          :, 
        sctpStreamParameters : parameters.sctpStreamParameters,
        label                : parameters.label,
        protocol             : parameters.protocol

    // Let's assume the server included the created producer id in the response
    // data object.
    const { id } = data;

    // Tell the transport that parameters were transmitted and provide it with the
    // server side producer's id.
    callback({ id });
  catch (error)
    // Tell the transport that something was wrong.

transport.on(“icegatheringstatechange”, fn(iceGatheringState))

Emitted when the local transport ICE gathering state changes.

Argument Type Description
iceGatheringState [RTCIceGatheringState Transport ICE gathering state.

transport.on(“icecandidateerror”, fn(event))

Emitted when an error occurs while performing ICE negotiations through a STUN or TURN server.

Argument Type Description
event RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent Details about the ICE negotiation error.

transport.on(“connectionstatechange”, fn(connectionState))

Emitted when the local transport connection state changes.

Argument Type Description
connectionState RTCPeerConnectionState Transport connection state.

Observer Events

See the Observer API section below.

These are observer events common to all transport classes. Each transport class may define new ones.“close”, fn())

Emitted when the transport is closed for whatever reason.“newproducer”, fn(producer))

Emitted when a new producer is created.

Argument Type Description
producer Producer New producer."newproducer", (producer) =>
  console.log("new producer created [id:%s]",;
});“newconsumer”, fn(consumer))

Emitted when a new consumer is created.

Argument Type Description
consumer Consumer New consumer."newconsumer", (consumer) =>
  console.log("new consumer created [id:%s]",;
});“newdataproducer”, fn(dataProducer))

Emitted when a new data producer is created.

Argument Type Description
dataProducer DataProducer New producer."newdataproducer", (dataProducer) =>
  console.log("new data producer created [id:%s]",;
});“newdataconsumer”, fn(dataConsumer))

Emitted when a new data consumer is created.

Argument Type Description
dataConsumer DataConsumer New consumer."newdataconsumer", (dataConsumer) =>
  console.log("new data consumer created [id:%s]",;


A producer represents an audio or video source that will be transmitted to the mediasoup router through a WebRTC transport.



Field Type Description Required Default
track MediaStreamTrack An audio or video track. Yes  
encodings Array<RTCRtpEncodingParameters> Encoding settings. No  
codecOptions ProducerCodecOptions Per codec specific options. No [ ]
codec RtpCodecCapability Specific media codec to use. If given, it must be a media codec in device.rtpCapabilities.codecs. If not given, first suitable codec will be used. No  
stopTracks Boolean Whether mediasoup-client should call stop() on tracks handled by this producer. If set to false, the app is responsible of stopping tracks given to transport.produce() or produce.replaceTrack(). No true
disableTrackOnPause Boolean Whether the producer should set track.enabled = false when paused. If set to false, audio/video will still be sent after pausing the producer, so caution. Specially useful in combination with zeroRtpOnPause: true. No true
zeroRtpOnPause Boolean If true, zero RTP will be sent when the producer is paused (this is internally achieved by deactivating the corresponding SDP media section). Otherwise, if false and the producer is paused, the underlying WebRTC engine may send some RTP packets containing audio silence or black video frames. No false
onRtpSender OnRtpSenderCallback Callback called immediately once a RTCRtpSender is created. No  
appData Object Custom application data. No { }

The codec selection feature just works in modern browsers (it requires WebRTC Unified-Plan) and hence, mediasoup-client handlers such as Chrome55 (Plan-B) do not enable this feature.


If video simulcast is desired, encodings array must be filled with more than one encodings. Each encoding represents a simulcast RTP stream:

  • The order of the encodings is important. The entry with index 0 represents the simulcast stream with lowest bitrate. The entry with index N-1 (being N the number of entries) represents the simulcast stream with highest bitrate. Take this into account when writting per encoding settings such as maxBitrate, maxFramerate or scaleResolutionDownBy.
  • rid field must not be set. The library will internally add it if the underlying browser supports RID.
  • active field must not be set. The library will internally set it to true.

Check the mediasoup Simulcast documentation for more information.


If video SVC is desired, encodings array must contain a single entry with active: true and scalabilityMode indicating the number of spatial and temporal layers.

Check the mediasoup SVC documentation for more information.

The given track will be internally handled by mediasoup-client from now on, meaning that mediasoup-client will call stop() on it when the producer is closed or when producer.replaceTrack() is called unless stopTracks is set to false in transport.produce() options.

So, if your application needs to use the track after that, it should set stopTracks: false or clone the original track and pass the cloned one to transport.produce().

const clonedTrack = track.clone();
const producer = await transport.produce(clonedTrack, ...);


Field Type Description Required Default
opusStereo Boolean Enable OPUS stereo (if the audio source is stereo). No Browser specific.
opusFec Boolean Enable OPUS in band FEC. No Browser specific.
opusDtx Boolean Enable OPUS discontinuous transmission. No Browser specific.
opusMaxPlaybackRate Number Set OPUS maximum playback rate. No Browser specific.
opusMaxAverageBitrate Number Set OPUS maximum average bitrate. No Browser specific.
opusPtime Number Set OPUS preferred duration of media represented by a packet. No Browser specific.
opusNack Boolean Enable retransmission of lost OPUS RTP packets via negotiated RTCP NACK. Only available in modern libwebrtc based handlers. No false
videoGoogleStartBitrate Number Just for libwebrtc based browsers. Set video initial bitrate. No  
videoGoogleMaxBitrate Number Just for libwebrtc based browsers. Set video maximum bitrate. No  
videoGoogleMinBitrate Number Just for libwebrtc based browsers. Set video minimum bitrate. No  


Invoked synchronously immediately after a new RTCRtpSender is created. This allows for creating encoded streams in browsers supporting it.

type OnRtpSenderCallback = (rtpSender: RTCRtpSender) => void;


Producer identifier.

@type String, read only


Whether the producer is closed.

@type Boolean, read only


The media kind (“audio” or “video”).

@type MediaKind, read only


The associated WebRTC RTCRtpSender for this producer. It may be undefined for non modern WebRTC implementations.

@type RTCRtpSender|Undefined, read only

By getting access to the RTCRtpSender the application can directly modify its parameters or members. Use it with caution.


The audio or video track being transmitted.

@type MediaStreamTrack, read only


Producer RTP parameters. These parameters are internally built by the library and conform to the syntax and requirements of mediasoup, thus they can be transmitted to the server to invoke transport.produce() with them.

@type RtpSendParameters, read only

Check the Communication Between Client and Server section for more details.


Whether the producer is paused.

@type Boolean, read only


In case of simulcast, this value determines the highest stream (from 0 to N-1) being transmitted. See the setMaxSpatialLayer() method for more about this.

@type Number, read only


Custom data Object provided by the application in the producer factory method. The app can modify its content at any time.

@type Object

See the Observer Events section below.

@type EventEmitter, read only



Closes the producer. No more media is transmitted. The producer's track is internally stopped by calling stop() on it, meaning that it becomes no longer usable.

This method should be called when the server side producer has been closed (and vice-versa).


Gets the local RTP sender statistics by calling getStats() in the underlying RTCRtpSender instance.


@returns RTCStatsReport


Pauses the producer (no RTP is sent to the server).

This method should be called when the server side producer has been paused (and vice-versa).


Resumes the producer (RTP is sent again to the server).

This method should be called when the server side producer has been resumed (and vice-versa).

producer.replaceTrack({ track })

Replaces the audio or video track being transmitted. No negotiation with the server is needed.


Argument Type Description Required Default
track MediaStreamTrack An audio or video track. Yes  
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true });
const newVideoTrack = stream.getVideoTracks()[0];

await producer.replaceTrack({ track: newVideoTrack });


In case of simulcast, this method limits the highest RTP stream being transmitted to the server.


Argument Type Description Required Default
spatialLayer Number The index of the entry in encodings representing the highest RTP stream that will be transmitted. Yes  
// Assuming `encodings` array has 3 entries, let's enable just the first and
// second streams (indexes 0 and 1).
await producer.setMaxSpatialLayer(1);


Add parameters to all encodings in the RTCRtpSender of the producer. Use with caution.


Argument Type Description Required Default
params Object Object with key-value pairs. Yes  
// Set IP DSCP field.
await producer.setRtpEncodingParameters({ networkPriority: 'high' });


producer.on(“transportclose”, fn())

Emitted when the transport this producer belongs to is closed for whatever reason. The producer itself is also closed.

producer.on("transportclose", () =>
  console.log("transport closed so producer closed");

producer.on(“trackended”, fn())

Emitted when the audio/video track being transmitted is externally stopped. This may happen, for instance, if the associated microphone or webcam source is disconnected. This is a good chance for the application to close/pause the producer or replace its track.

producer.on("trackended", () =>
  console.log("track ended");

Observer Events

See the Observer API section below.“close”, fn())

Emitted when the producer is closed for whatever reason.“pause”, fn())

Emitted when the producer is paused.“resume”, fn())

Emitted when the producer is resumed.“trackended”, fn())

Emitted when the audio/video track being transmitted is externally stopped. This may happen, for instance, if the associated microphone or webcam source is disconnected. This is a good chance for the application to close/pause the producer or replace its track.


A consumer represents an audio or video remote source being transmitted from the mediasoup router to the client application through a WebRTC transport.



Field Type Description Required Default
id String The identifier of the server side consumer. Yes  
producerId String The identifier of the server side producer being consumed. Yes  
kind MediaKind Media kind (“audio” or “video”). Yes  
rtpParameters RtpReceiveParameters Receive RTP parameters. Yes  
streamId String Stream id. Useful to limit the inbound RTP streams that the underlying RTC stack should try to synchonize when rendering them. No The RTCP CNAME of the remote producer.
onRtpReceiver OnRtpReceiverCallback Callback called immediately once a RTCRtpReceiver is created. No  
appData Object Custom application data. No { }

About streamId:

libwebrtc based devices can just synchonize up to one inbound audio stream and one inbound video stream. If streamId is not given, it will have the same value for all consumers belonging to the same producer. However, the application may wish to ensure that inbound microphone and camera streams produced by a remote peer are synchonized (instead of synchronizing, for instance, microphone and screen sharing streams).

Usage example:

micConsumer = await transport.consume({ streamId: `${remotePeerId}-mic-webcam` });
webcamConsumer = await transport.consume({ streamId: `${remotePeerId}-mic-webcam` });
screensharingConsumer = await transport.consume({ streamId: `${remotePeerId}-screensharing` });


Invoked synchronously immediately after a new RTCRtpReceiver is created. This allows for creating encoded streams in browsers supporting it.

type OnRtpReceiverCallback = (rtpReceiver: RTCRtpReceiver) => void;


Consumer identifier.

@type String, read only


The associated producer identifier.

@type String, read only


Whether the consumer is closed.

@type Boolean, read only


The media kind (“audio” or “video”).

@type MediaKind, read only


The associated WebRTC RTCRtpReceiver for this consumer. It may be undefined for non modern WebRTC implementations.

@type RTCRtpReceiver|Undefined, read only

By getting access to the RTCRtpReceiver the application can directly modify its parameters or members. Use it with caution.


The remote audio or video track.

@type MediaStreamTrack, read only


Consumer RTP parameters.

@type RtpReceiveParameters, read only

Check the Communication Between Client and Server section for more details.


Whether the consumer is paused.

@type Boolean, read only


Custom data Object provided by the application in the consumer factory method. The app can modify its content at any time.

@type Object

See the Observer Events section below.

@type EventEmitter, read only



Closes the consumer.

This method should be called when the server side consumer has been closed (and vice-versa).


Gets the local RTP receiver statistics by calling getStats() in the underlying RTCRtpReceiver instance.


@returns RTCStatsReport


Pauses the consumer. Internally the library sets track.enabled = false in the remote track.

This method should be called when the server side consumer has been paused (and vice-versa).


Resumes the consumer Internally the library sets track.enabled = true in the remote track.

This method should be called when the server side consumer has been resumed (and vice-versa).


consumer.on(“transportclose”, fn())

Emitted when the transport this consumer belongs to is closed for whatever reason. The consumer itself is also closed.

consumer.on("transportclose", () =>
  console.log("transport closed so consumer closed");

consumer.on(“trackended”, fn())

Emitted when the audio/video track being received is externally stopped.

Observer Events

See the Observer API section below.“close”, fn())

Emitted when the consumer is closed for whatever reason.“pause”, fn())

Emitted when the consumer or its associated producer is paused and, as result, the consumer becomes paused.“resume”, fn())

Emitted when the consumer or its associated producer is resumed and, as result, the consumer is no longer paused.“trackended”, fn())

Emitted when the audio/video track being received is externally stopped.


A data producer represents a data source that will be transmitted to the mediasoup router through a WebRTC transport.



Field Type Description Required Default
ordered Boolean Whether data messages must be sent in order. if true the messages will be sent reliably. No true
maxPacketLifeTime Number When ordered is false indicates the time (in milliseconds) after which a SCTP packet will stop being retransmitted. No  
maxRetransmits Number When ordered is false indicates the maximum number of times a packet will be retransmitted. No  
priority RtcPriorityType Datachannel priority. No 'low'
label String A label which can be used to distinguish this DataChannel from others. No ''
protocol String Name of the sub-protocol used by this DataChannel. No ''
appData Object Custom application data. No { }


Data producer identifier.

@type String, read only


Whether the data producer is closed.

@type Boolean, read only


The SCTP stream parameters.

@type SctpStreamParameters, read only


The DataChannel ready state.

@type RtcDataChannelState, read only


The DataChannel label.

@type String , read only


The DataChannel sub-protocol.

@type String , read only


The number of bytes of application data (UTF-8 text and binary data) that have been queued using send().

@type Number , read only


Threshold at which the buffered amount of bytes is considered to be low.

@type Number


Custom data Object provided by the application in the data producer factory method. The app can modify its content at any time.

@type Object

See the Observer Events section below.

@type EventEmitter, read only



Closes the data producer. No more media is transmitted.

This method should be called when the server side data producer has been closed (and vice-versa).


Sends the given data over the corresponding DataChannel.

Argument Type Description Required Default
data String|Blob|ArrayBuffer|ArrayBufferView Data message to be sent. No  


dataProducer.on(“transportclose”, fn())

Emitted when the transport this data producer belongs to is closed for whatever reason. The data producer itself is also closed.

dataProducer.on("transportclose", () =>
  console.log("transport closed so dataProducer closed");


Emitted when the underlying DataChannel is open.

dataProducer.on(“error”, fn(error))

Emitted when the underlying DataChannel fails to connect.

Argument Type Description
error Error Originating error.


Emitted when the underlying DataChannel is closed for unknown reasons.


Emitted when the DataChannel buffered ammount of bytes decreases from above the ` bufferedAmountLowThreshold` value.

Observer Events

See the Observer API section below.“close”, fn())

Emitted when the producer is closed for whatever reason.


A data consumer represents a data source being transmitted from the mediasoup router to the client application through a WebRTC transport.



Field Type Description Required Default
id String The identifier of the server side data consumer. Yes  
dataProducerId String The identifier of the server side data producer being consumed. Yes  
sctpStreamParameters SctpStreamParameters Receive SCTP parameters. Yes  
label String A label which can be used to distinguish this DataChannel from others. No ''
protocol String Name of the sub-protocol used by this DataChannel. No ''
appData Object Custom application data. No { }


Data consumer identifier.

@type String, read only


The associated data producer identifier.

@type String, read only


Whether the data consumer is closed.

@type Boolean, read only


The SCTP stream parameters.

This data is taken from the associated dataProducer.

@type SctpStreamParameters, read only


The DataChannel ready state.

@type RtcDataChannelState, read only


The DataChannel label.

This data is taken from the associated dataProducer.

@type String , read only


The DataChannel sub-protocol.

This data is taken from the associated dataProducer.

@type String , read only


The DataChannel binary type: 'blob' or 'arrayBuffer'.

@type String


Custom data Object provided by the application in the data consumer factory method. The app can modify its content at any time.

@type Object

See the Observer Events section below.

@type EventEmitter, read only



Closes the data consumer.

This method should be called when the server side data consumer has been closed (and vice-versa).


dataConsumer.on(“transportclose”, fn())

Emitted when the transport this data consumer belongs to is closed for whatever reason. The data consumer itself is also closed.

dataConsumer.on("transportclose", () =>
  console.log("transport closed so dataConsumer closed");


Emitted when the underlying DataChannel is open.

dataConsumer.on(“error”, fn(error))

Emitted when the underlying DataChannel fails to connect.

Argument Type Description
error Error Originating error


Emitted when the underlying DataChannel is closed for unknown reasons.

dataConsumer.on(“message”, fn(data))

Emitted when a DataChannel message is received.

Argument Type Description
data String|Blob|ArrayBuffer Data message received.

Observer Events

See the Observer API section below.“close”, fn())

Emitted when the data consumer is closed for whatever reason.

Observer API

Most entities in mediasoup-client expose a observer property (a Node.js EventEmitter) that can be used by third party libraries to monitor everything related to mediasoup.

The observer API should not be directly used by the application itself, but by separate modules or libraries that the application integrate into its code. Such a module or library may, for example, monitor all the creation and closure of transports, producers, consumers, etc. It could also monitor events generated by producers and consumers (“pause”, “resume”, etc).

Usage example:

const mediasoupClient = require("mediasoup-client");

const mediasoupClientDevice = new mediasoupClientTypes.Device();"newtransport", (transport) =>
    "new transport created []",;"close", () => 
    console.log("transport closed []",;
  });"newproducer", (producer) =>
      "new producer created [,]",,;"close", () => 
      console.log("producer closed []",;
  });"newconsumer", (consumer) =>
      "new consumer created [,]",,;"close", () => 
      console.log("consumer closed []",;
  });"newdataproducer", (dataProducer) =>
      "new data producer created [,]",,;"close", () => 
      console.log("data producer closed []",;
  });"newdataconsumer", (dataConsumer) =>
      "new data consumer created [,]",,;"close", () => 
      console.log("data consumer closed []",;